Date | Name | Place | Segment | Classification | Organiser | Info |
01.07.2001 - 05.07.2001 |
World Master Orienteering Championship | Nida | OB | MS | Lithuania | |
01.07.2001 | 7. kolo OR Bratislavsko-Trnavskej oblasti (Prírodovedecká veterná ružica) | Bratislava | OB | O | PBA | |
10.07.2001 - 15.07.2001 |
Junior World Orienteering Championship | Miskolc | OB | MS | Hungaria | |
20.07.2001 - 22.07.2001 |
Grand Prix Slovakia (25th), Slovak Cup of Elite - 5th and 6thd round | Pezinok | OB | SRJ | Sokol Pezinok | |
29.07.2001 - 04.08.2001 |
World Orienteering Championship | Tampere | OB | MS | Finland |