
Date Name Place Segment Classification Organiser Info
06.01.2012 Orienteering Competition on Three Kings´ Day - 1st round of Winter League 2012 Banská Bystrica - Uhlisko OB OR HBB
06.01.2012 Urban Orienteering Competition on Three Kings´ Day Pezinok OB OR SPE
07.01.2012 Orienteering Competition Three Kings´ Kompas Kysak OB OR KYS
14.01.2012 International Slovak SKI-O Championship 2012 - sprint Kavečany/Kysak LOB MSR Kysak
15.01.2012 Slovak SKI-O Cup - middle distance Kavečany/Kysak LOB SRJ Kysak
29.01.2012 3th round of Winter League 2012 Bratislava OB OR RBA
29.01.2012 Regional orienteering - 2nd round of Winter League 2012 Žilina OB OR VZA