Date | Name | Place | Segment | Classification | Organiser | Info |
04.01.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Základná škola Kysak | OB | OR | KYS | |
06.01.2015 | 1st round of Winter League STRED 2015 | Zvolen | OB | OR | HBB | |
06.01.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Pezinok | OB | OR | SPE | |
18.01.2015 | Local orienteering and competition Yeti Winter Cup | Osemročné športové Gymnázium, Ostredková ul. 10., Bratislava - Ružinov | OB | OR | RBA | |
14.02.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Košice-Terasa | OB | V | TKE | |
15.02.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Bratislava - Kramáre II | OB | OR | SKS | |
21.02.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Šenkvice | OB | OR | SPE | |
22.02.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Medzijarky centrum ZŠ Bieloruská | OB | OR | FBA | |
28.02.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Modra | OB | OR | BBA | |
15.03.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Bratislava – Rača, Knižkova dolina, letné kúpalisko | OB | OR | RBA | |
21.03.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Herľany | OB | OR | KYS | |
22.03.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Mirkovce | OB | OR | KYS | |
28.03.2015 | CESOM 2015 - Central European Spring Orienteering Meeting / Slovak National Ranking Orienteering Competition middle | Borský Mikuláš | OB | SRJ | BBA | |
28.03.2015 | CESOM 2014 - Central European Spring Orienteering Meeting / Slovak National Ranking Orienteering Competition - sprint | Borský Mikuláš | OB | SRJ | BBA | |
29.03.2015 | CESOM 2015 - Central European Spring Orienteering Meeting / Slovak National Ranking Orienteering Competition - long | Borský Mikuláš | OB | SRJ | BBA | |
16.04.2015 | School championship Košice | Košice-Terasa, Luník III | OB | OR | TKE | |
17.04.2015 | Slovakian Cup | Podsuchá | OB | SRJ | RBK | |
18.04.2015 | Slovakian Cup | Podsuchá | OB | SRJ | RBK | |
19.04.2015 | Slovakian Cup | Podsuchá | OB | SRJ | RBK | |
22.04.2015 | School championship Nitra | Nitra | OB | O | CNR | |
26.04.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Bývalý mlyn Klepáč, Cesta mládeže 5 Bratislava | OB | OR | VBA | |
28.04.2015 | School championship Bratislava II. and Malacky | Dom kultúry, Bratislava - Devín | OB | O | Gymnázium J. Papánka, Vazovova 6, Bratislava | |
28.04.2015 | School championship Pezinok and Senec | ZŠ J. Kupeckého, Kupeckého 74, Pezinok, školský dvor | OB | O | SPE | |
29.04.2015 | Local orienteering and competition | Zlaté Moravce | OB | O | TPK | |
29.04.2015 | School championship Bratislava IV. and V. | Dom kultúry, Bratislava - Devín | OB | O | Gymnázium J. Papánka, Vazovova 6, Bratislava | |
30.04.2015 | School championship Bratislava I. and III. | Dom kultúry, Bratislava - Devín | OB | O | Gymnázium J. Papánka, Vazovova 6, Bratislava | |
01.05.2015 | TIPO CUP Hungaria | Mátraalmás | OB | SRJ | ||
01.05.2015 | TIPO CUP Hungaria | Mátraalmás | OB | SRJ | ||
02.05.2015 | TIPO CUP Hungaria | Mátraalmás | OB | SRJ | ||
06.05.2015 | School championship Košice | ZŠ Belehradská 21, Košice-sídlisko Ťahanovce | OB | O | TKE |