Date | Name | Place | Segment | Classification | Organiser | Info |
06.01.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Pezinok - Pinellova nemocnica | OB | OR | SPE | |
08.01.2017 | New Year's orienteering competition | Mestský park Banská Bystrica | OB | OR | HBB | |
08.01.2017 | Trojkráľová buzola | Kysak | OB | OR | KYS | |
21.01.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Gymnázium na Javorovej ulici Spišská Nová Ves | OB | OR | SSN | |
29.01.2017 | Local orienteering and competition Yati Zima Cup | Areál SAV - Spoločenské centrum, Bratislava | OB | OR | RBA | |
11.02.2017 | Local orienteering and competition Valentínsky Sporko | Bratislava - Rusovce | OB | OR | BBA | |
11.02.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Košice | OB | V | TKE | |
12.02.2017 | Local orienteering and competition Valentine hearts | Limbach | OB | OR | SPE | |
17.02.2017 | Local orienteering and competition night Orienteering | Bratislava | OB | OR | FBA | |
21.02.2017 | The winter-series night OB | Košice-Hradová | OB | V | TKE | |
25.02.2017 | The winter-series | Prešov | OB | V | TKE | |
10.03.2017 | The winter-series night OB | Kysak | OB | V | KYS | |
11.03.2017 | 6th round of local ranking of West area | Lamač, Bratislava | OB | OR | FBA | |
18.03.2017 | Local orienteering and competition long | Izra | OB | OR | KYS | |
19.03.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Bratislava | OB | OR | RBA | |
19.03.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Lemešany | OB | OR | KYS | |
26.03.2017 | Local orienteering and competition sprint | Bad Deutsch Altenburg | OB | OR | SKS | |
26.03.2017 | Local orienteering and competition sprint realay | Bad Deutsch Altenburg | OB | OR | SKS | |
01.04.2017 - 02.04.2017 |
CESOM 2017 - INOV8 cup | Lakšárska Nová Ves | OB | SRJ | BBA | |
06.04.2017 | Školské majstrovstvá Košíc + okolia ZŠ, SŠ | Košice, Terasa | OB | S | TKE | |
08.04.2017 - 09.04.2017 |
Postás kupa 2017 - INOV8 cup | Pilisvorosvár | OB | SRJ | HUN-TÁJREND SE Budapest | |
12.04.2017 | Školské majstrovstvá okresu Pezinok, 2. kolo Pezinskej školskej ligy | Hrad Červený kameň, lúka pred hradom | OB | S | SPE | |
22.04.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Rudná | OB | OR | TKE | |
22.04.2017 | 2nd round of local event in relays - West area | Kačín, Bratislava | OB | OR | FBA | |
23.04.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Bratislava | OB | OR | VBA | |
23.04.2017 | Local orienteering and competition | Silica | OB | OR | TKE | |
25.04.2017 | Školské majstrovstvá obvodov Bratislava I a III | Základná škola Nevädzova 2, Bratislava - Trávniky | OB | S | VBA | |
26.04.2017 | Školské majstrovstvá obvodov Bratislava II, Malacky a Senec | Základná škola Nevädzova 2, Bratislava - Trávniky | OB | S | RBA | |
27.04.2017 | Školské majstrovstvá obvodov Bratislava IV – V, | Základná škola Nevädzova 2, Bratislava - Trávniky | OB | S | FBA | |
06.05.2017 | Slovak championship Night Orienteering | Smolenice / Jahodník | OB | MSR | RBA |