
Date Name Place Segment Classification Organiser Info
06.01.2016 Local orienteering and competition Pezinok - amfiteater OB OR SPE
10.01.2016 New Year's orienteering - local competition Banská Bystrica OB OR HBB
10.01.2016 Local orienteering and competition Kultúrny dom Kysak OB V KYS
17.01.2016 Local orienteering and competition Yeti Zima Cup Bratislava Patronka - Areál SAV OB OR RBA
- 24.01.2016
Local orienteering and competition Baba LOB V PEZ
06.02.2016 Slovak SKI-O Championships Sprint Kysak LOB MSR KYS
07.02.2016 Slovak SKI-O Championships Middle Kysak LOB MSR KYS
13.02.2016 Slovakian Cup Bánkút Maďarsko LOB SRJ
13.02.2016 Slovakian Cup Vrbno pod Pradedem Česká republika LOB SRJ
13.02.2016 Local orienteering and competition - Valentínska snežienka Košice - Terasa OB V TKE
14.02.2016 Slovakian Cup Bánkút Maďarsko LOB SRJ
14.02.2016 Slovakian Cup Vrbno pod Pradedem Česká republika LOB SRJ
14.02.2016 Local orienteering and competition Valentínsky Sporko Modra OB OR BBA
20.02.2016 Slovak SKI-O Championships long Skalka LOB MSR EBB
21.02.2016 Slovak SKI-O Championships rellay Skalka LOB MSR EBB
28.02.2016 Local orienteering and competition Valentin heart Budmerice OB OR SPE
06.03.2016 Local orienteering and competition Bratislava Kramáre OB OR SKS
09.03.2016 Local orienteering and competition Centrum voľného času – Epicentrum, prístavba, Mladoboleslavská 7, Pezinok OB S SPE
20.03.2016 Local orienteering and competition Areál Biofarmy Príroda, pri Lozorne OB OR RBA
20.03.2016 Local orienteering and competition Silica OB OR TKE
02.04.2016 Local orienteering and competition Ťahanovce OB OR TKE
15.04.2016 Local school orienteering and competition Košice - Terasa OB S TKE
- 17.04.2016
CESOM 2016 - Central European Spring Orienteering Meeting / INOV8 cup Borský Mikuláš OB SRJ BBA
19.04.2016 Local school orienteering and competition Zlaté piesky - Gazdovský dvor OB S VBA
20.04.2016 Local school orienteering and competition Zlaté piesky - Gazdovský dvor OB S FBA
21.04.2016 Lokak orienteering and competentin Žilina Zástranie OB S VZA
21.04.2016 Local school orienteering and competition Štadión AC Stavbár Nitra, OB S TNR
21.04.2016 Local orienteering and competition Zlaté piesky - Gazdovský dvor OB S RBA
21.04.2016 Local orienteering and competition Šenkvice - motokrosový areál OB S SPE
22.04.2016 Local school orienteering and competition Park - Sihoť v Nových Zámkoch OB S TNR

Competitions on the map